Wednesday, July 18, 2007

MexiCoke Rules, And Quick Vick Thoughts


- Despite getting some really really sweet (read: icky!) tomato sauces last night, I threw a few cans together with my usual mix of ingredients: one onion, chopped and browned; a few cloves of garlic, ditto; some olive oil; a bit of black pepper; some dried basil and oregano; and ground turkey meat--I was out of beef--the sauce came out pretty damn good.

(Drat! I forgot to put spinach in the sauce! Oh well, it's not too late!)

Anyway, why do some tomato sauces insist on putting corn syrup in their product???

- Speaking of corn syrup: I forgot how awesomely good MexiCoke (Coke imported from Mexico, sweetened with sugar instead of that high fructose corn syrup crap) is! It tastes crisper than its American sibling, and it seems to go down a lot smoother as well.

I bought a couple bottles yesterday ($1 each), thinking I was getting 20oz bottles. It turns out that I bought 12oz bottles instead. Oops! Still, even at $1/bottle, it was kinda worth it.

Why, oh why, must we Americans suffer with HFCS-sweetened sodas?

(Don't answer that; I'm aware of, at least somewhat, the reasons why.)

- I'm not sure of all the facts surrounding the whole Michael Vick/dogfighting indictment situation, but here are my quick thoughts on the situation.
  • I don't know if Vick deserves to be kicked out of the league indefinitely, as some people have suggested. Yes, an indictment spells huge trouble, but last I checked, he hasn't been convicted yet. Don't forget, a felony conviction will take care of Vick's NFL career anyway.
  • Should Atlanta take this opportunity to cut Vick? I say yes! Ignoring this entire legal situation, Vick is nowhere near worth the huge contract he signed a few years back (I believe the contract is in the vicinity of $130 million over seven years). Yeah, he's probably the most electric QB in the league, and yes, he's easily the most popular athlete in Atlanta today. But he's not producing, and does Falcon fan really think Michael Vick can lead them to a Super Bowl title? Yes, the Falcons' options after Vick are crap, but I hear there's a QB on the market that was recently released from Miami...
  • I wonder what Vick's teammates think about the whole situation. If I were a player, I don't know if I could deal with the distraction of Vick's indictment during the season. All the questioning that is bound to happen, all the "what ifs?" surrounding Vick's fate during the season...and what about the fact that Vick may have to leave his team during the season to stand trial?
You'll have my thoughts on the 2007 World Series of Poker Main Event tomorrow.

Happy blogging!


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