Monday, April 23, 2007

Cheese and whine! (aka You Don't Know How It Feels)

(Warning: the following blog entry may contains sports-like substances)

And you dont know how it feels
No, you dont know how it feels to be me

You're right, Tom Petty. I don't know how you feel. I can't say I know how these guys feel either.

- The Bulls beat the Heat in Game One of their first-round playoff series, and The Big Can't-Win-One-Without-A-Sidekick blamed the refs, as usual. I love the photo in this article; someone award the photographer of that picture a medal of some sort! Shaq whined:

"My intention was to come out and be myself, until Eddie Rush derailed me," the big man cried. "I’m used to just outplaying somebody and just playing hard, but I guess that’s what you got to do to stop Shaq."

Sure, perhaps one of the fouls called on The Big Overrated was bogus. Still, Shaq's whine rings hollow, especially when whining about the officials is a huge no-no in the NBA. By the way, Shaq, I think you meant to say "playing rough" rather than "playing hard." I will not deny that Shaq is an athletic freak, and I do agree that he gets beat up a lot in the post. On the other hand, he deals at least as much punishment as he absorbs, and it's no stretch to say that he gets away with quite a lot.

(Off topic, but TNT just showed that new T-Mobile commercial with Charles Barkley and Dwyane Wade. LOL)

By the way, as a former Laker fan, I got to enjoy a bunch of those calls that went in Shaq's favor. Don't get me wrong; he's an awesome player. If only he would shut up sometimes. Then again, perhaps I just don't know how he feels.

Speaking of Dwyane Wade, check this quote out, from this article:

''Coach [Pat Riley] expects the world out of me,'' Wade told the Herald. "He expects more out of me than anybody probably ever expected.''

Am I reading the quote incorrectly, or does this sound like Wade is whining about having to guard Luol Deng? Oh well, at least Shaq didn't whine that Deng had one lucky game, or something like that.

- Floyd Landis may be a cheater after all, after his second set of urine samples tested positive for synthetic testosterone. Of course, Landis is in full whine mode, insisting that the lab that tested the samples did so with some improprieties. In Landis' defense, his first set of samples (the "A" samples) were cleared months ago, which should go a long way towards preserving Landis' Tour de France championship. I would like someone to explain this quote to me, though:

"This [the leaks of the test results] represents a massive failure on the part of WADA to manage the critical fight against doping," Landis said of the World Anti-Doping Agency.

Huh? What? Quoi? I guess I just really don't know how he feels.

Oh joy! HEROES is back on tonight! I can't wait! And if you think I'm lame because I'm excited about a television show, then you don't know how I feel.

(The "you don't know how it feels" theme sounded like a good idea when I thought of it this morning! :P)


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