Saturday, April 14, 2007

Hey good neighbor...

(The following is a weak rant. Feel free to skip down to scroll down to the quick-hitters section).

Hey Neighbor,

Nobody, outside of your condo, wants to hear your loud Spanish music blaring through your Bose knock-offs. Trust me, nobody wants to hear that crap, especially not at 9AM on a Saturday morning. Even the neighborhood's dogs agree with me; their barking along with the music is what finally got me out of bed. I don't dare confront the guys, though, not with the crime rate in this complex up ten-fold in the past month or so.

(tangent: I am a chronic exaggerator. Trust me, not long ago, that was hard to admit. However, there have been weeks in this hell-hole/condominium complex where the cops have visited every day for a week. I know this because I have the luxury of residing in the condo right next to the front gate.)

In short, I hate this place, and I can't wait for my lease to expire so that I can move out. Never mind the crap conditions inside my condo; the following events have happened in this complex since I moved in less than two years ago:

- An LCD monitor was left at my front door, and stolen, in a span of twenty-five minutes (the time elapsed between the delivery and the time I got home to find nothing on my doorstep). Granted, PC Connection was dumb enough to ship an LCD monitor--not double-boxed to hide the contents, by the way--without signature confirmation. I got PC Connection to ship me another one via UPS two-day.

- A broken tuba was boxed and left outside one person's condo, to be picked up via Fedex. That was stolen too.

- A couple who were in the process of moving in left their barbecue grill by the stairs below their condo, unattended. According to a letter they posted around the complex, pleading for the return of the grill, they had left the grill by the stairs for a few minutes at the most.

- I've seen car registration stickers removed.

- My favorite one (and by favorite, I mean most ridiculous): someone here stole a wheelchair! How low, on the evolutionary ladder, do you have to be to steal someone's wheelchair? The guy who stole a prosthetic limb a couple years back thinks that's ridiculous.

Other than all of the above, this is a nice place to live.

One quick thought:

- I had mentioned in yesterday's blog entry about how a "no contest" plea was equivalent to "no comment." George Carlin, among others, once stated that "no comment" is, indeed, a comment. That got me thinking, "is it possible to have absolutely no comment?" For instance, let's say you're standing at a podium, getting interviewed by the press. Let's say one interviewer asks you a question, and you choose to not respond. Could your lack of a response be treated as "no comment," which would then be considered a comment? Instead of "no comment," I think I will say "I have a comment, and it is nothing" from now on.

Oh joy! The music, which had been toned down for the last few minutes, is blaring again!

(If I feel up to it, I think I'll make a second blog entry today, talking about the Lakers' potential freefall right out of the playoff picture, as well as thoughts of baseball, nearly two weeks into the season. If not, I'll save it for tomorrow.)


At 5:41 PM , Blogger h said...

Gah, that condo complex sounds terible. How much longer do you have there?

At 12:23 PM , Blogger ungsunghero said...

Fortunately, I'm only stuck here until October.


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