Sunday, June 17, 2007

UngsungBlog: SoS Edition: Father's Day Cookout Fun

Ok, Hank, I'll try to go sports-free today :P

(BTW, "SoS" = "Sick of Sports," because I'm kinda tired of blogging about this whole LA Lakers ordeal too.)

Oh crap...fifty-five minutes, and I haven't even started on this blog entry! Let's hope I make it!

(Being in a food coma, and researching the effects of a bee sting on at the same time can't help, either.)

- Our Father's Day BBQ had so much food, we had to refill the BBQ with additional coals! And since we were using Match Light charcoal, we couldn't have just added the coals as we were cooking. I know some people out there think that Match Light coals are blasphemous, and only original Kingsford charcoal is acceptable. To that, I say shush. It still grills a damn fine piece of cow.

(I should point out, if I hadn't mentioned it in an earlier blog entry, that my weapon of choice is a Weber 18.5" One-Touch Silver charcoal grill. We were cooking for six people with big appetites, so I wasn't that surprised to have to use a second load of charcoal to finish all the cooking.)

We grilled spare ribs, chicken wings, and drumsticks with both a simple marinade--soy sauce, garlic, green onion, and a bit of sugar--as well as some cheapo BBQ sauce. I'm not really a fan of liquid marinades--I prefer dry rubs, and good ol' kosher salt and fresh cracked pepper over liquids--but you really can't go wrong with such a simple marinade as soy sauce. And you really can't go wrong with barbecuing meat; even a steak cooked to the consistency of shoe leather still tastes OK when cooked on a grill.

We also had beef short ribs marinated in teriyaki sauce, beef meatballs, and BBQed corn. Because we had to change the coals once, I ended up in front of the grill for almost three hours, sneaking a bite of meat, salad, or a quick sip of Diet Sierra Mist every now and then.

(Tangent: Diet Sierra Mist is pretty damn good! In fact, there are a number of diet sodas I can drink that taste close enough to the original to satisfy me: diet root bear [diet root beer floats FTW], diet citrus sodas, and Coke Zero, which is tremendous.)

By the time most of the meat was cooked, and we were ready to sit down and eat, we were all stuffed!

We started cooking at around 6PM, and didn't finish until nearly 9:30. And yeah, we were pretty much eating the whole time; hence the food coma.

I've got enough leftovers to last two or three more meals, and I took only about 25% of the leftovers. I can't wait for next-day BBQ; it tastes almost as good as fresh-off-the-grill meat, IMO.

Sorry, pictures :(.

(praying that this blog contains over 300 words)


At 12:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was just going to say, you should post pictures of your works of art, I mean dinner just like Hank.

At 12:21 AM , Blogger ungsunghero said...

I'd post pics, but I didn't have a camera on me anyway. Although, there were several photo ops of me getting smoke in my face, which I bet you would have enjoyed.

At 7:36 PM , Blogger h said...

Okay, I can agree on diet orange sodas and Coke Zero, but diet root beer is NASTY. Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, OTOH, is made of win.

At 11:23 PM , Blogger ungsunghero said...

I've tried the Diet Cherry Vanilla Dr. Pepper, and wasn't at all impressed with it.

Speaking of root beer, I could go for a nice gourmet root beer right about now. Or an orange cream soda...


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