Sunday, July 01, 2007

Food Coma-tosis, Take Two (Part One): Burning Heat, And Street Signs Are Suggestions

So, today was quite an event-filled day. I've got (yet another) food coma, so let's hope I can get through this blog entry.

(Yeah, the poker story is going to have to wait another day.)

- My sisters, my mom, my aunt, and I had lunch at the Wat Thai, where we enjoyed skewered pork and chicken, papaya salad, noodle soup, and I ordered a plate of Pad Thai, which was a bit dry. As you shall see later, I should probably have passed on lunch.

(Tangent: My sister bought a couple bags of noodles that could be best described as "Pad Thai-in-a-bag": noodles with a Pad Thai seasoning packet. I hope it makes a decent dish, even though I don't have any bean sprouts.)

By the way, reported the RealFeel weather for today at 92F. There is no way that it felt like 92F today. It had to be at least 100F today, if not higher. It was HOT.

- On the way out of the Wat Thai, I noticed a bunch of cars trying to park on Coldwater Canyon Blvd. There was a single "No Parking" sign there, and a bunch of workers (named Wat Thai Monitors) were on the street, notifying people of the sign. One moron, apparently, argued with a Monitor over the validity of the sign. Although I didn't hear their conversation, it was pretty clear that the guy was intent on parking there; after a five-minute discussion or so (we're slow walkers), we noticed that the moron went ahead and parked there anyway.

This got me thinking: Is there a more black-or-white street sign than "No Parking?" I mean, you could argue with a cop if you ran a red light, saying that it was yellow when you went through the intersection. But other than "oh, I didn't see the sign, because it was blocked by trees," how else could you argue a No Parking sign? Last I checked, the sign didn't say "No Parking, please." I'm now convinced that all street signs/lights/indicators in the state of California have an implied "please" at the end of them (Stop, please; Yield, please; Speed Limit 65, please; etc.).

My head hurts, so this story will continue tomorrow. One quick rant, though: Diet Pepsi is absolutely disgusting! I thought it would taste pretty good--I like Pepsi more than Coke, so I figured that Diet Pepsi would be better than Diet Coke. Boy, was I wrong!

(Note to self: avoid buying Diet Pepsi again, at all costs!)

Tomorrow: no poker (:P), Hot Pot goodness (why we were eating this on such a hot day is anyone's guess), and my freeloading aunt (:P) well as whatever else I happen to stumble upon.

Happy blogging!


At 12:05 AM , Blogger h said...

I agree that diet Pepsi is pretty bad, but Diet Pepsi Max is amazing. To me, it tastes just like the real thing. I dunno what they did different in it, but it's great.

At 12:35 AM , Blogger ungsunghero said...

I saw a deal on that at Rite Aid today (I think).

Maybe I'll go pick some up later this week.

At 1:39 AM , Blogger h said...

Yeah, that's how I ended up trying it -- my roommate works at Rite Aid and he picked up a case earlier this week cuz it was marked down.


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