Saturday, July 14, 2007

I'm Rich, I Love The Beach, And The Creation of Stupid Points

- So I got an email today, saying that an urgent package was en route to me via DHL Express.

(Before you assume that this is some scam, it is not. It's a package that I was expecting for some time.)

That was nice of the company in question to send me an email regarding the status of my package. Too bad that I had received said package two weeks ago!

It was the thought that counts, right?

- I'm rich! My site is finally making some money, thanks to Google AdSense! W00t!

(Ok fine, so I had a mere two clicks, out of thirteen impressions, which paid a cool $1.91. However, considering that I had earned $6 since I signed up, back in October of last year, I have nothing to complain about. Hey, I just increased my AdSense income by 33%! At this rate, I'll be at a hundred bucks in no time!

I need the money to pay my domain + webspace bills!)

- I love the beach! I could stay in the ocean for hours on end, frolicking (sp?) around, especially when the water is nice and warm.

(Yes, readers, you can totally disregard what I wrote last week. I hate to admit it, but I love the beach.)

It's a shame we got there so late, though; we left the house at almost 2:00pm, thanks to somebody *peers over at the guilty party*. Unlike last week, there was hardly a cloud in the sky, even though it seemed a bit cooler than last week was. The water temperature was absolutely perfect.

We must be crazy, because we're probably going to go back to the beach tomorrow. And there's a possibility that we'll be having some Korean BBQ tomorrow. No word yet on whether or not there's an available bed at my local hospital, for the angioplasty that I'm certainly going to need tomorrow.

- If you've ever watched Whose Line Is It Anyway?, you've seen Drew Carey (or Clive Anderson of the UK series) award points to the players, pointing out that the points don't matter. Well, a couple of weeks ago, I had a particularly bad day, screwing up just about everything I did. It got to the point where I started awarding myself "Stupid Points" (SP) for every foul up I had.

Since then, I have found myself liberally offering SPs to people left and right.

Case in point: I just awarded myself 5,000 SPs because I came home (MPK) with my laptop, sans laptop charger.

Does that mean I hang around stupid people all the time? Definitely not!

Anyway, just like the points in Whose Line...:
  • The points are just a gag and don't really matter
  • At the end of the day, the person with the most points wins nothing
  • The points are completely arbitrary; if one event scores more SPs than another, that doesn't mean the former event is necessarily more idiotic than the latter.
Why did I come up with Stupid Points? Because I live a sad, sad life.

(That last line was not meant to be taken seriously. If you did take it seriously, you just earned 5,000 SPs.)

Happy blogging!

(I nearly misspelled "Happy," which would have been worth 10,000 SPs.)


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