Sunday, March 18, 2007

Something's Bruin...

Before I get to yesterday's NCAA games, I need to make mention of this. I always claim that, when something really bad happens to me, I immediately witness something even worse happening to someone else--usually within the next 24 hours. Yesterday, as we got home from a quick trip to the grocery store, we noticed a guy parked right in front of the gateway to our parking lot. Immediately we noticed his car was leaning a bit to one side, and I got out of the car, offering to help him push the car out of the way. It turns out his entire front axle was damaged, which explained why we was unable to move the car out of the way. He tried forcing the car to move, by jamming the accelerator, and I noticed bits of metal flying out of the bottom of his car, so I immediately waved at him to stop. Fortunately, a friend of his came by soon after, and I guess they both got in contact with a tow truck, as the car was gone a couple hours later.

- That slopfest between UCLA and Indiana was quite enjoyable for about 35 game minutes; everything other than that run by Indiana to tie the game up was great to watch. The first half, which ended 20-13 UCLA, was absolutely hilarious. Turnovers, missed free throws, bricked layups, a shot that went 3/4 down and back about a defensive onslaught. The second half featured a much more open game, and clearly that benefited Indiana. Thank goodness for that turnover on the inbounds pass by Indiana with 30 seconds to go! On to the Sweet 16 and a matchup against Pitt! I hope my anti-UCLA jinx works; I picked Pitt over UCLA in my bracket :P

- I can't believe I missed the best game of the day!!! What a triple by Ron Lewis to send the game into OT! By the way, I saw Oden's fifth foul, and my initial reaction was that the foul wasn't enough to be called intentional/flagrant. Upon further review, OSU got bailed out by the non-call. Xavier couldn't have been more of a class act after the game, though; during the end-game press conference, Justin Cage blamed himself for the bricked free-throw that could have iced the game, instead of the officials for not calling the intentional foul on Oden.

- A&M over Louisville had to be the best non-OT game of the day. Edgar Sosa, great player, but what an awful finish to the game. Down a single point, he missed two free throws. Still down a point, he heaved an awful three point attempt with plenty of time left on the clock. A&M couldn't stop the high pick-and-roll all day, and you settled for that shot?!? Props to Louisville coach Rick Pition for acknowledging that freshmen make mistakes, and that his team wouldn't be where they are without Sosa's performance. That being said, I'm glad my favorite college basketball player that doesn't attend UCLA--A&M's Acie Law IV--is still in the tourney.

- Pitt over VCU in OT; Vandy over Wazzu in double OT! This is what March Madness is all about!

More bracketology talk, including coverage of today's game, will come either later today or tomorrow. A couple quickies, though:

1) How the heck is Texas down 18 to USC?
2) How the heck did UNLV beat Wisconsin?
3) The Midwest bracket is what is absolutely killing my overall bracket.

Oh yeah, future host of this blog--will be live shortly! Finally, my own domain! Thanks Krunk for practically walking me through everything I needed to do to set up the domain (what can I say? I'm a total website n00b :P)


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