Sunday, March 11, 2007

Daylight Savings Time

Don't forget to roll your clocks forward an hour! Losing sleep FTW!

My sister, Nancy, opened up her own blog (see links section). We'll see if she posts to it often, or if she's as much of a slacker as I am.

- Ron Artest apologized and rejoined the Sacramento Kings. I'm pretty surprised by this--not his return, but the fact that the Kings allowed him to return so quickly. On the one hand, why would the Kings want him back? He's obviously going to be a huge distraction to the team. On the other hand, maybe he deserves a chance to come back into the league and play basketball, and use basketball to get his mind off his personal life. Then again, does he deserve this chance? I'm not too sure.

- The Big East (Georgetown) and Pac-10 (Oregon) championships were absolute yawners; so was the Conference USA championship (Memphis). I expect Florida v Arkansas to be a ridiculous blowout. Hopefully UNC/NCST (and coach Sidney Lowe's bright red blazer) and Ohio State/Wisconsin will both be awesome games.

- Speaking of the Big East, Pitt's Aaron Grey...what's the big deal with the guy? Maybe it's because I wasn't able to watch him the entire year, but the guy looks like an immobile stiff out there. Maybe it's because Pitt played Louisville and Georgetown back-to-back, but the guy reminds me of Arvydas Sabonis (sp?), minus an outside shot. I hope Kevin Love (UCLA recruit and a big the Bruins could use THIS year) doesn't turn out to be nothing more than a stiff.

- I did have Chinese food today, and I did order some Kung Pao chicken. I'm very happy I did, even if it cost an arm and a leg. I also ordered some stir-fry steak dish, and that was damn tasty too. Plus, I have plenty of leftovers for the next few days.

- A man in NY mugged a 101-year old woman over a tidy sum of $33.00. What a lowlife; I guess he really needed the money. Now I am not trying to make light of the situation, but I love the woman's comments: "
I'm quite sure that if it had happened when I was younger, I would have been after him," she said. "I'm a very strong woman. I've been that way my whole life."

I hate to end this entry on such a low note, but I'm tired. Happy blogging!


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