Wednesday, March 07, 2007

March Illness!

I hate being sick...

- McDonald's' commercials are typically really bad, and I could easily anoint every McD's' commercial in recent memory as some of the worst commercials ever. Their latest efforts to annoy the hell out of me is this commercial for their new Angus 1/3 pound burger, involving two Texans playing instruments and singing a song. First of all, McDonald's is only about a year or ten late in the Fast Food Biggest Burger Race. Second of all, that "I'm lovin' it" jingle, bugged me the first time I heard it. Ten million times later, and my eardrums still bleed when I hear it. Thirdly, yeah, two Texans singing a stupid song about a burger that they could probably get anywhere in Texas really makes me want to go out and get one. McDonald's, please stick to advertising to your key demographic (the 0-3 age group).

- Lindsay Hunter--Detroit Pistons' guard--has been suspended ten games for a positive drug test. While I wasn't surprised to hear the first part of his comments--"I'm as shocked as anyone"--it was refreshing to hear him say he made a "bonehead mistake." Hey, Gary Matthews Jr., you might want to try admitting that you're a cheat, rather than insisting on waiting for "all the facts" to be presented to you before you take action. I'd comment on what Matthews said after being linked to an online steroids ring, but I can't say anything that hasn't already been pointed out by sports columnists nationwide.

- O.J. Simpson is the worst guy ever...well, he was already the worst guy ever, prior to this story. I agree with what Jim Rome said; O.J. should just paint himself red and grow horns.

- Kobe Bryant was suspended today for one game for an elbow (inadvertent?) to Marko Jaric. Similar to the incident that occurred with Manu Ginobili earlier this year, Jaric was surprised by the suspension. I felt that Kobe was unfairly suspended for the first offense, when Ginobili's nose hit Bryant's elbow. However, I feel that Kobe had to be suspended for this incident. One elbow to the face could be considered an accident. Two, and now we could be talking habitual. If Kobe elbows another guy in the face this year--inadvertent or not--a multi-game suspension will be warranted, in my opinion.

- I can't believe I have to wait until April for the next episode of The Office. Oh well, at least I have March Madness to keep me unproductive :P


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