Monday, July 02, 2007

Food Coma-tosis, Take Two (Part Two): Hot Pot Goodness, And The Thieving Aunt

Wow, the Accuweather RealFeel temperature today was supposed to be 99F.

It sure as heck felt a lot hotter than that! And it's only early July!

Is it safe to sleep in a bathtub full of ice cubes?

- Before I get started, prayers need to go out to Derek Fisher, his young daughter, and his family. Fisher requested, and was subsequently released, by the Utah Jazz, in order to seek medical care for his 11-month-old daughter. If you recall, his daughter has retinoblastoma, a serious, and rare, cancer of the eye.

Good luck, D-Fish, and let's hope you are able to return to the league real soon, after your daughter beats this horrible disease.

- One other note: that Russell Martin guy is pretty good, no? Four more hits today! M-V-P!

- So after sweltering through the Wat Thai, we went to 99 Ranch, to get some stuff for a Hot Pot.

(Tangent: Why, oh why, did we have a Hot Pot on such a hot day? Because we're stupid?)

99 Ranch, btw, has an awesome drink bar. Their watermelon juice slushie-thingy is to die for! We spent a good hour and a half at the supermarket--grocery shopping when it's really hot is always fun--picking up all the ingredients we needed for the dinner: thinly sliced chuck steak, enoki mushrooms, beef meatballs, shrimp, spinach, watercress, rice noodles, tripe (ewwwwww), bean curd, and the soup base.

The food was good, as usual, though we were all sweating by the end of the meal. We had the A/C on full blast, and that didn't help much. It also didn't help that we all badly overate--we're a bunch of gluttons, I know! As usual, we bought way too much stuff; there was probably enough food to feed ten more people!

When my sister, mom, and aunt were ready to leave, I demanded that they take some of the groceries back. My mom took a couple of items, and my aunt didn't want anything. I insisted that most of the food would be tossed eventually--we were never going to be able to finish it all--and said to just take whatever.

Big aunt decided to take just about everything she got her hands on. She ended up filling about three grocery bags full of stuff she didn't really want (so she said). At that point, I started cracking jokes about her wanting to take my wallet, my laptop, my sister's cell phone, etc. She ended up talking about 2/3 of the leftovers we had!!!

An hour after they left, I then realized that she didn't even pay for any of the groceries!!!

Damn my family...full of freaking freeloaders!

It's really hot, and I need some ice cream, assuming my aunt didn't take that too. Happy blogging!


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