Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Thank You Chase, And Pillaging Rite Aid

So I got a nice, big, bubble mailer yesterday. It was a package shipped from Buy.com.

Nothing special about a bubble mailer, right? You're right. Unless that bubble mailer arrived to me unsealed.

Yes, somehow, some moron at Buy.com forgot to seal the envelope, which contained a pair of software titles. The only thing holding the bubble mailer together was a piece of USPS "This parcel arrived damaged and we're not responsible for any damage to the packet" tape.

Well done, Buy.com. You have cemented your spot on my list.

- We have a new addition to my list! Congrats, Chase!

(Background: I like to my off my credit cards as soon as possible. Sometimes, I'll make the payment the same day that the online statement is released. I'd rather pay a credit card really early than risk missing the due date and incurring a late fee.

When paying off a Chase card online, you have four options: paying the statement balance, paying the minimum payment, paying the current balance [statement balance + any charges made after the statement closed], and paying some other amount.)

Yesterday, I logged into my Chase account to pay my Chase Freedom Visa card. I went over the online statement, and noticed a finance charge!

(It was a $1 charge, but still!)

I quickly glanced over the statement, and noticed that the amount I paid was exactly the same amount as the statement balance of the previous statement, not the one that was due. I then clicked on "Pay Card," and noted that the listed statement balance was equal to last month's statement balance!

I called Chase to report this site error, and was referred to Chase's Internet Services department (or something like that). All they told me was that I should wait 3-4 business days after the statement is due before paying my statement. Fantastic...instead of fixing their problem, I have to inconvenience myself by waiting to pay off the credit card each month on their terms.

I know, I know...what a weak rant!

- I love Rite Aid. Single Check Rebates + coupons FTW! Having two addresses to file SCRs? Even better! I went there with my sister, and we picked up a whole bunch of cheap stuff. I got two tubes of Crest toothpaste for MMAR (Make Money After Rebate), two bottles of hair gel @ BOGO (buy one, get one free), and two bottles of Pantene for a buck a bottle.

(Tangent: I have no problem using "women's" shampoo. Aside from the smell, as long as it does a good job, I don't care. And Pantene's a good shampoo, is it not?)

Ice cream was also $1.99 a box, so I couldn't refuse. I got some mint chocolate chip, and a box of cones to go with it. My sister got some FAR deodorant, a bottle of some shampoo, and a bottle of some conditioner. She couldn't pass up ice cream either :P

All that junk for $20 and change, after the rebates. Not bad!

Excuse me while I go take a shower...


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