Sunday, April 01, 2007

Blue in the face

I could have gone with "We Blue It" or some other horrible pun with the word "blue", but my allergies have kicked up, so I thought the title above was appropriate.

- When did I know UCLA had no chance against Florida in yesterday's game? I knew when it was 6-2, UCLA, with seven minutes gone by. UCLA's defense had absolutely shut down Florida's offense, aided by a ton of bricks by Florida's three-point shooters. The Bruins' managing of only six points during that stretch, though, was disastrous, because you knew Florida was going to start nailing the treys. Once Corey Brewer got hot, the game was over.

(BTW, Corey Brewer might be the best player on Florida, and that's not taking anything away from Noah and Horford. He reminds me a bit of Tracy McGrady, minus the offensive explosiveness, but plus the lockdown defense.)

Once Brewer started hitting his triples, and Humphrey began chipping in, you knew that Noah and Horford were going to get single-teamed on the block, and the Bruins' foul trouble really caught up to them. Once Florida went on their run to open the second-half, I should have just shut off the TV. I'm not sure why I decided to continue watching; it was pretty painful to watch ;p.

I might have to mute the TV when I watch the championship game, though...the combination of Billy Packer talking and Joakim Noah screaming like Maria Sharapova might be too much to handle. Yes, Noah, we understand you play with a lot of passion and energy, and I admire it. But stop screaming like you hit a forehand winner down the baseline to save a match point!

- Florida is the new Fab Five, says ESPN columnist Pat Forde. He sums up Florida's team with this one quote:

Better. Cleaner (one certainly would hope). Tighter. Tougher.

I hate to admit it, but Forde's right. By virtue of winning one championship, it's easy to conclude that this team is better than Michigan's Fab Five. We haven't yet heard of any booster scandals regarding this team, yet (the operative word is "yet"). All five guys decided to return for a chance to repeat (though it's not like Humphrey or Green would have been lottery picks, after last year, and I doubt they will be even this upcoming year). As far as tougher, I'm not too sure about that, but I won't totally disagree with this point. Could you imagine if Noah, Horford, Green, and Brewer all return for next season? We could be talking about the strongest NCAA Basketball dynasty since the UCLA Wooden days. Of course, this all depends on whether or not Billy Donovan takes the Kentucky job.

- 80,000 people went to see Donald Trump shave Vince McMahon's head, or so the article would like you to believe. It must be a slow news day at ESPN. Shouldn't they be focusing more on the NCAA Women's Basketball Championship? Did you know there was an NCAA Women's Basketball Championship going on?

- And finally, a Chinese teenager killed himself after a blind date, when the date turned (up) ugly. I guess she must have been one FUGLY woman! It seems he would really rather be dead than seen with her in public. All kidding aside, I wonder if the kid suffered from any psychological disorders, because I can't fathom an ugly blind date being enough to cause someone to kill himself.

That's all for now. Until next time, happy blogging!


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